Saturday, July 31, 2010

Reunion Day.

Today was another reunion day at the park. Jordan and I went and he had a good time. It was pretty boring to me because it's just a bunch of old folks get together and chit-chat. =) My family isn't a close family neways, once a year the people get less and less. This is on my mom's side. My dad's side is another story- I never see them. So that sums up how my family is. When the reunion's come, they're all boring. But it gets J out and play with other kids. It probably rained for an hr. before we all left but it was cool and not so hot like it was last Saturday. Been tryin to catch up on school work. I've been slackin a lil bit. Oops =\

1 comment:

  1. Hello Natasha
    Right now you may think these things are real boring but as time goes on they will seem less and less boring. You will remember little things about the reunions and wonder what those people are doing these days.
    Especially as the older ones pass on.
    My mothers family used to have family reunions quite often back when I was younger but many have passed on and others just do not talk to each other anymore for some stupid reason. Love the times you have you never know how long they will last.
    Later see you in seminar.
